Flemish government allocates 7 M€ funding for first 2 years of SolidLab Vlaanderen

Imec researchers at UGent, VUB en KULeuven will work together in SolidLab Vlaanderen.
During the next 4 years they will tackle both technology and society related research challenges on decentralised data pods using Solid technology. SolidLab Vlaanderen will support the data driven economy in Flanders and beyond. The Flemish government (Minister Crevits) recently allocated 7 M€ to conduct this research during the first 2 years.
The operational director is Erik Mannens (IDLab, UGent-imec), also responsible for business development, Ruben Verborgh (IDLab, UGent-imec) is responsible for the technical research challenges and Lieven De Marez (MICT, UGent-imec) is responsible for the societal research challenges. Piet Demeester (IDLab, UGent-imec) is the overall lead of SolidLab Vlaanderen.
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Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash