Peter Veelaert

Peter Veelaert
tel.: +32 9 264 42 31
research unit: Image Processing and Interpretation (IPI)
tel.: +32 9 264 42 31
research unit: Image Processing and Interpretation (IPI)
Peter Veelaert was born in Mortsel in 1958. He received the M.S. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Ghent University in 1981 and 1992, respectively. He is a Full Professor with the Department of Telecommunication and Information Processing, at Ghent University, where he is in charge of courses in computer vision, multimedia, algorithms on embedded systems, and digital design. His research interests include computer vision, multi-target tracking, behaviour analysis, and sensor fusion.
Keywords: Computer Vision, Sensor Fusion, Intelligent Vehicles
Key publications
- Veelaert, P., Bogaerts, W., Ultrasonic potential field sensor for obstacle avoidance. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15 (4) 774-779, 1999.
- Veelaert, P. On the flatness of digital hyperplanes. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 3 (2) 205-221, 1993.
- Veelaert, P. Digital planarity of rectangular surface segments. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16, 647-652, 1994.
- Veelaert, P. Geometric constructions in the digital plane. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 11, 99-118, 1999.
- Veelaert, P. Constructive fitting and extraction of geometric primitives. Graphical Models and Image Processing. 59 (4) 233-251, 1997.
Publication links