Veronique Hoste

Veronique Hoste
tel.: +32 9 331 19 41
research unit: Language and Translation Technology Team (LT3)
tel.: +32 9 331 19 41
research unit: Language and Translation Technology Team (LT3)
Veronique Hoste is Full professor of Computational Linguistics at Ghent University, research director of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, head of department of the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, and director of the LT3 Language and Translation Team. She has successfully supervised 9 PhD students and currently supervises a further 6. Citations in G. Scholar: 2641 (h-index 25, i10-index 53). Over the last 5 years, 1771 citations (h-index 19, i10-index 34).
Keywords: Language technology, translation technology, machine learning
Key publications
- Van Hee, Cynthia, Gilles Jacobs, Chris Emmery, Bart Desmet, Els Lefever, Ben Verhoeven, Guy Depauw, Walter Daelemans and Veronique Hoste. “Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media Text.” Ed. Hussein Suleman. PLOS ONE 13 (2018): 1–22.
- Van Hee, Cynthia, Els Lefever, and Veronique Hoste. “We Usually Don’t Like Going to the Dentist. Using Common Sense to Detect Irony on Twitter.” COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (2018): n. pag.
- Desmet, Bart, and Veronique Hoste. “Online Suicide Prevention Through Optimised Text Classification.” INFORMATION SCIENCES 439-440 (2018): 61–78.
- De Clercq, Orphée, and Veronique Hoste. “All Mixed up? Finding the Optimal Feature Set for General Readability Prediction and Its Application to English and Dutch.” COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS 42.3 (2016): 457–490.
- Van de Kauter, Marjan, Diane Breesch, and Veronique Hoste. “Fine-grained Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Sentiment in Financial News Articles.” EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 42.11 (2015): 4999–5010.